Newsletter sécurité Semaine 23

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« After several false starts, Microsoft finally is planning to support SSH in Windows and the company’s engineers also will contribute to the OpenSSH project. »

« Le Sénat a approuvé le dispositif visant à installer des algorithmes au sein des réseaux des opérateurs pour analyser les communications à des fins de renseignement. »

« Hands-on Facebook can now powerfully encrypt notification emails sent to its users with PGP – keeping potentially sensitive messages out of the hands of hackers and other snoopers.
The social network has also added a spot for people to share their public PGP keys via the HTTPS-protected website. »

« Security Operation Center (SOC) analysts investigate alerts on suspicious network activity.  However, these analysts might not run across exploit kit (EK) traffic that often.  An organization’s web gateway can stop a great deal of bad traffic before you see a full infection chain.  Investigating other types of suspicious activity will likely take up the majority of an analyst’s workday. »

« De simples manipulations sur les sites de grandes banques (HSBC, BNP, Société Générale, etc.) indiquent que la sécurité, le chiffrement ou les échanges par exemple, sont largement perfectibles. La faute notamment à des navigateurs vieillissants et aux banques qui n’informent pas ou mal leurs clients.« 

« Voilà qui reste étonnant. Un étudiant ayant mis en place une démonstration qui a mal tourné ? Le code malveillant Locker touche des centaines de machines. Son auteur s’excuse et diffuse de quoi se soigner ? »

« The latest documents to be released from the Snowden archive show that the NSA was secretly authorized to carry out warrantless surveillance on US internet traffic in the name of cybersecurity. »

« Hackers of the Yemen Cyber Army (YCA) had dumped another 1,000,000 records obtained by violating systems at the Saudi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. »

« A security researcher discovered a zero-day vulnerability in many Mac firmware that could allow an easy installation of an EFI rootkits. »

« Two of the most popular domains of ever, that were seized by the FBI from Kim Dotcom three years ago, are now used for illegal activities. »

« Security experts Ben Cox explained that the official Github repositories of the UK Government, Spotify, and Python were accessed using compromised SSH keys. »

« Attaques Ciblées : Le jeu Trend Micro lance un jeu de simulation pour sensibiliser aux enjeux des attaques ciblées pour les entreprises. »

Les autres nouvelles de la semaine

Les derniers tutoriels et outils

« Performing malware analysis during incident response can be an exciting, creative exercise. But it can also be a nebulous process, with no clear beginning and no defined end state. While there are numerous articles, books, and tools that cover the topic, the sheer volume of resources can sometimes lead to decision fatigue, and the question becomes: What do I do next? To focus your attention and guide your analysis, begin by answering the four key questions set forth below. »
